Friday 6 May 2016

Theatre: Lotty's War........

Presented by Lotty's War Ltd.
Written By Giuliano Crispini
Adapted By Clare Slater
Starring Ian Reddington (Robin Hood, Eastenders, RSC)

A mesmerising story of passion, courage and sacrifice, Lotty's War is a thriller set in the WWII enemy occupied Channel Islands. Based on a true story, this critically acclaimed play is ‘a must see show!’

With the last boat to England gone, Lotty is housed in close quarters with the enemy. As loyalties waver amidst the temptations of forbidden love and the politics of war, does Lotty dare to tread a passionate and dangerous path to save a friend?

A powerful performance by just three actors (not the ones on the poster) covering a whole heap of emotions and changing relationships between them over what must have been harrowing times in real life. They showed how the German General was cold and ruthless but totally justified it to himself that he was doing whatever he did for the right reasons.

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